Developmental Delays

Vitamin D Deficiency
Vitamin D Deficiency

In this blog post, Kelly Dorfman explains why vitamin D is so helpful to the immune system and neuroimmune conditions...

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Prism Lenses
Prism Lenses

In this blog post, Patricia S. Lemer explains why prism lenses can be powerful temporary tools for kids with autism,...

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Digestive Enzymes
Digestive Enzymes

In this post, Kelly Dorfman MS LND discusses the use of digestive enzymes for children with developmental delays....

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Adapted from Bal-A-Vis-X by Bill Hubert Imagine a room full of eager 7th graders in pairs all performing the same...

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Autism Play
Autism Play

In this blog post, Rebecca Klaw MS MEd offers strategies for encouraging play in children with Autism Spectrum...

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Yoga for Children
Yoga for Children

Why yoga for children? A couple of decades ago we were asking that question about martial arts. Now there are classes...

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Pragmatic Language
Pragmatic Language

In this blog post, Joanne Hanson, MS, CCC-SLP helps us understand why pragmatic language skills are necessary for...

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Child Malnutrition
Child Malnutrition

In this blog post Kelly Dorfman, MS, LND, discusses child malnutrition in the form of empty-calorie malnutrition....

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Pesticide Risks
Pesticide Risks

This article is condensed with permission from Pesticides and You, the quarterly publication of Beyond...

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