Results for "sensory processing disorder"

Skin Problems
Skin Problems

What Are Skin Problems? Skin problems are very common in children and may even be evident at birth due to some...

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Structural Issues
Structural Issues

What Are Common Structural Issues Seen in Children Today? Often overlooked in children's chronic illnesses, but...

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Lenses and Prisms
Lenses and Prisms

Developmental optometrists, also known as behavioral optometrists (OD), can correct the following visual dysfunctions...

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Vision Therapy
Vision Therapy

Vision therapy is very often overlooked in children with autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, Sensory Processing Disorder...

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Reflex Integration
Reflex Integration

Svetlana Masgutova PhD, renowned reflex integration specialist, describes a reflex as an "automatic response of the...

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Oral Motor Therapy
Oral Motor Therapy

Children with autism spectrum disorder, Sensory Processing Disorder and other neurodevelopmental disorders may have...

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Auditory Therapy
Auditory Therapy

There are a few different types of auditory therapy that can retrain the brain to help normalize hearing, senses and...

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Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic Care

Healthy lifestyle, wise dietary choices and nutritional supplementation cannot replace the body’s need for structural...

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What Is Osteopathy? Osteopathy is a very unique philosophy of healing and medical care that treats the bones, muscles...

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Catecholamines are naturally occurring amines that function as hormones and neurotransmitters in the body. In...

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Thyroid Gland
Thyroid Gland

The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped gland that has two lobes situated on either side of the windpipe (trachea). It...

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Household Checklist
Household Checklist

Implementing our household checklist can remove unnecessary additional stressors from your child's total toxic load,...

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Low Blood Sugar
Low Blood Sugar

What Is Low Blood Sugar? The body typically uses glucose - a simple carbohydrate - for its immediate energy needs; the...

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Nutrition 101
Nutrition 101

In nutrition 101, the name of the game is to be able to get your children to eat more nutritiously in all of the...

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The Epidemic
The Epidemic

While you may not hear about it on the news or at your doctor's office, we are witnessing one of the most devastating...

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Thyroid Conditions
Thyroid Conditions

What Are Thyroid Conditions? Most childhood chronic conditions such as autism, ADHD, SPD and autoimmune disorders are...

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Retained Reflexes
Retained Reflexes

What Are Retained Reflexes? We all have reflex reactions to certain stimuli without even consciously thinking and an...

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EMF Dangers
EMF Dangers

In this blog post, Maria Rickert Hong explains how EMF dangers affect your child's health. Chronic exposure to...

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Holistic Dentistry
Holistic Dentistry

In this blog post, Maria Rickert Hong relates her personal experience with holistic dentistry. My Personal Experience...

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BETH LAMBERT Executive DirectorBETH LAMBERT is a former healthcare consultant and teacher. As a consultant, she worked...

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